“Let the battle commence!”

oil on canvas on hardboard

corner/convex painting 181 x 121 x 13 cm

oil painting "let the battle comence!" by Paul Critchley
in situ
that blank white canvas
in the office
paintig progressing
with the neighbours

With every new painting I stand before the blank white canvas in a puddle of doubt. I start a painting by telling myself “Let the battle commence!” and finish when… I’ve run out of ideas. Then I start another in that same puddle of doubt. I have spent my entire life since I set off on this adventure in that puddle. Is it a good idea? Is it well done? Was it worth the effort? Should I change it? Do I like it? Does anyone like it? Do you like it? There’s a saying, You only paint one picture in your life and all the rest are variations. 

Every time I finish a painting I feel that the battle is over and I’ve won… until the following week when I ask myself, should it be a bit bluer, a bit darker, bigger or..? and then end up making another variation.

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