Video by Johann Meijer© of the Installation 'A Sense of Place' by Paul Critchley


Over the past few years I have been painting many of the objects found in an ordinary home. Paintings of sofas, wardrobes, dressing tables and even toilet rolls. The purpose, and there is one, is to arrange all the paintings together in an exhibition to create an ‘interior’ rather than paint a view of an interior in the classical sense. It is hoped that the visitor to this installation will walk through the rooms and feel at home. It will be a real space furnished with paintings of furnishings. A real interior but not quite.

The concept

Maquette of the Panoramic Interior Project

The installation comprises of an entrance corridor, a living room, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. There are also paintings of the windows seen from outside giving the visitor a hint of what in within the ‘house’. The total internal area is approx, 64 sq. m. but this can vary according to the venue.

photo of a maquette of the installation 'A Sense of Place'
maquette of the installation
maquette of the installation

There has been considerable press about the installation which can be downloaded here.

adobe pdf

Catalogue of the installation at Museum Panorama Mesdag 

Paul Critchley : Verbeelde Ruimte - A Sense of Place

ISBN 978-90-5594-280-0

128 pages

Text in Dutch and English

60 paintings and 35 details


20 x 20 cm

Price €20 (+p & p)

Order here

Front cover of the exhibition catalogue 'Verbeelde Ruimte - A Sense of Place' at Museum Panorama Mesdag, The Hague