'The Kunstwerk Carlshütte, which hosts NordArt, presents a unique atmosphere which allows intimate contact with hundreds of artworks from all over the world which collaborate to form a collective narrative that maps the current dreams and concerns of humanity and, remarkably, leads the works of art into conversation with each other and the visitors.
Wolfgang Gramm, the Principal Curator of NordArt sums it up: „Art seeks answers to everything that rouses and touches people, while people seek answers in art.“
The hosts and Principal Sponsors at the Kunstwerk Carlshütte are the entrepreneurial couple Hans-Julius and Johanna Ahlmann.
I will be returning to Nordart in 2025 as my installation ‘A Sense of Place’, which was exhibited in NordArt 2024, was awarded one of three Public Choice Awards.
The 26th NordArt will be open to the public from 6 June to 5 October 2025 on the grounds of the historic iron foundry Carlshütte.
27.04.2020 Quintetto d’arte online exhibition curated by art critic Prof. Giorgio di Genova. Printed catalogue available.
01.01.2020 Il Giornale dell’ArteIl meglio e il peggio - 15 art critics, art historians and curators select the best and the worst of 2019. Prof. Giorgio di Genova, art critic and historian of contemporary art, selects Paul Critchley as one of his three best artists of 2019.(p.33)
16.10.2019 TVO Fernsehen für Oberfranken : Coburg: Märchenfiguren aus Holz treffen auf britischen Humor, Interview at Galerie Späth, Coburg