shaped painting by Paul Critchley

Art In Liverpool

9 July - 25 September 2011 at Gallery Oldham, Greaves Street, Oldham ’Step Into the Picture’.  An Installation of paintings by Paul Critchley.

This exhibition contains over 50 oil paintings which work together as one composition. It shows the entire contents of a house and explores the relationship between 2D and 3D space. The individual images are life-size paintings of the objects you would expect to find in almost any house; chairs, sofas, windows – which open and close – radiators, toilet, bath and even a kitchen sink filled with unwashed dishes. The people portrayed transform the house into a home and animate the installation, turning Kitchen Sink Realism into kitchen sink drama.

Unlike a traditional view of an interior, you can step into the picture and walk from room to room. So, although the visitors are experiencing this painted installation as a 3D space, they are looking at 2D objects.