Saints Marta & Magdalena
Saints Marta & Magdalena, detail - Martha
Saints Marta & Magdalena - detail Magdalena
Saints Marta & Magdalena - detail

Saints Magdalena & Martha

oil on gesso on wood ~ 84.5 x 52 cm

I was commissioned by Mr Featherstone to make this painting of Saints Martha and Magdalena and was particularly inspired by Rogier van de Weyden’s  Braque Triptych which was painted in 1452.


Another amazing painting  by Artemisia Gentileschi, painted between 1622 and 1625 is Mary Magdalene as Melancholy. The painting, which is full of emotion, is in the Museum Soumaya in Mexico.


For my painting I decided to borrow from both of these paintings using two friends as models. 

The painting has been donated by Mr Featherstone to Upton Hall School, FCJ, Upton, Wirral, UK.