My Prickly Neighbour  - Diptych oil painting by Paul Critchley (closed)
My Prickly Neighbour  - Diptych oil painting by Paul Critchley (open)
My Prickly Neighbour  - Diptych oil painting by Paul Critchley (open, detail)
My Prickly Neighbour  - Diptych oil painting by Paul Critchley (open, detail)
My Prickly Neighbour  - Diptych oil painting by Paul Critchley (open, detail)
My Prickly Neighbour  - Diptych oil painting by Paul Critchley (open, detail)
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My Prickly Neighbour

oil on canvas on hardboard

 Diptych, 109 x 53 cm closed, 109 x 106 cm open