Hall Richards Gallery, London

27th February - 27th March 1990

Solo exhibition, 15 paintings shown

Invite card to exhibition by Paul Critchley at HallRichards Gallery, London
Invite card to exhibition by Paul Critchley at HallRichards Gallery, London
HallRichards Gallery, London
shaped painting "Johanitter Straße 7 "  by Paul Citchley 280 x 300 cm
shaped painting "Waiting Shadow" 200 x 90 cm by Paul Citchley
shaped painting "Who's there"  by Paul Citchley 200 x 90 cm
shaped painting "Empty Light"  by Paul Citchley 200 x 90 cm
shaped painting "The Shirts"  by Paul Citchley 145 x 122 cm
shaped painting "Midday Moon"  by Paul Citchley 200 x 71 cm
shaped painting "The Open Door"  by Paul Citchley 180 x 122 cm
shaped painting "The Interval"  by Paul Citchley 122 x 170 cm

Paul Critchley left Coventry Polytechnic in 1982. He was awarded the Stowells Trophy and Spencers Industrial Arts Travelship in the same year and the Granada Foundation Award and Citibank Prize in 1984 when he also became a member of the Manchester Academy. He has taken part in many group exhibitions in England, Germany, France and Holland; and has had three one man exhibitions in Germany.

This is his first in London. 

These unconventional and imaginative paintings are about journeys through interiors. Some from front door to attic window, others around the room from several viewpoints. Realistic observations, subjective experience and at times recollections are all combined. Dramatic use of light and shade is reminiscent of the Dutch old masters.

The passage of time is expressed through small tricks, the same object appears in two different places within one painting with a daylight view through one window and a night scene through another.

The contrived perspectives, together with the irregular shaped canvases give an illusion of three dimensions. The strength of this spatial effect is illustrated by the few conventionally framed watercolours in the exhibition.