All Kissing Strictly Prohibited, closed
All Kissing Strictly Prohibited, open
All Kissing Strictly Prohibited, detail closed door 1
All Kissing Strictly Prohibited, detail closed door 2
All Kissing Strictly Prohibited, detail woman watching
All Kissing Strictly Prohibited, detail man watching
All Kissing Strictly Prohibited, detail masks on the floor and shadows
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All Kissing Strictly Prohibited      

diptych, oil on canvas on hardboard

153 x 40 cm closed, 153 x 71 cm open

Big Brother has ordered us to keep 1m distance from each other, very sensible for the health of everyone but also very difficult for many especially when we are not allowed to touch or embrace. All kissing is strictly forbidden! is a story about authorities banning contacts. 

A couple is desperate for contact and have found a dark corner where they can meet for a much needed kiss and cuddle. To give a feeling of constraint and control I have made the painting narrow, giving the couple little space to move and hide. The light is warm and romantic, the rose flowered wallpaper, the old telephone and electrics all hint at those good old days. The neighbours are close and are alarmed by the daring lovers who have thrown off their masks to break the rule Forbidding Kissing.