
Art Moorhouse

Group exhibition with 18 international artists

London, 5th October - 13th December 2022, extended until 28 February 2023

for an appointment contact                                                                                                                      

I exhibited just this one painting :

Think not for whom the ice melts, it melts for everyone.

When the astronauts encircling the moon took the photo of the earth, the isolation and fragility of our world was visible to all. Our world, a spot of dust in the vast, overwhelming and never ending universe, is so insignificant and yet so precious – never in the face of so much is so little so great.

The planet is several billion years old but our species has only existed for a few million, a few seconds in the time of the world’s life. In a few nano seconds we could completely alter/destroy the climate, homo sapiens are the worst virus ever to inhabit the planet, we are bacterIa and are rapidly taking the pace out of our space.

Think not for whom the ice melts, it melts for everyone.