Published July 2021 

image of the cover of a book 'In A World Of My Own…'
image of pages 194 - 195 of a book 'In A World Of My Own…'
image of pages 196 - 197 of a book 'In A World Of My Own…'
image of pages 22 - 23 of a book 'In A World Of My Own…'
pages 84 and 85


This comprehensive 304 page publication is a retrospective of works from 1976 until 2021. It features 198 colour illustrations showing the development of paintings right from student days, including the first shaped canvas Plush Tourist, through interiors in Northern Europe before breaking out into the light in Italy in the early 1990’s. The book continues the journey not just geographically but through works based on perspectives, stories and projects such as the installation A Sense of Place and commissioned works for P&O.

Copies can be ordered directly from me… here

IN A WORLD OF MY OWN… €29.95 (+ p & p).


304 pages

A4 landscape (21 x 30 cm)

Text in English (30,000 + words)

( scaricare testo italiano qui )

Publisher: BY Publications, Barcelona, Spain 

Printer: Anman Gràfiques, Barcelona, Spain

colour reproductions of 198 paintings & 2 sculptures

51 details

104 drawings

27 photographs in situ

ISBN 9 788412 113778

Front cover of a monograph 'Paintings' of art by Paul Critchley


Introductions by

British artist Patrick Hughes (

José Carlos Suárez

    Spanish professor of art history 

Marjan Ruiter 

    Director Kunstlicht in de Kunst, Eindhoven 

152 pages

Text in English ( scaricare testo italiano qui )

Hardback 22 x 31 cm

Colour reproductions of 87 paintings and 62 details

Published February 2006           

 ISBN 0-9524537-0-3  

Price €25 (+ p & p)

To see how the book was made by 

Gràfiques Anman click here

Other publications

to order any of these publications contact me here

Catalogue of Exhibition A Sense of Place at the Panorama Mesdag Museum, The Hague

Exhibition catalogue, Museum Panarama Mesdag of the Installation 'Verbeelde Ruimte - A Sense of Place' by Paul Critchley

Verbeelde Ruimte - A Sense of Place

Paul Critchley at Panorama Mesdag, The Hague

exhibition 12th October 2012 - 13th January 2013 

(exhibition extended until  17 March 2013) 

128 pages

Text in Dutch and English

Hardback 20 x 20 cm

Colour reproductions of 60 paintings and 35 details

Published October 2012            

ISBN 978-90-5594-280-0  

Price €10 (+ p & p)

Catalogue of  the exhibition Respective Perspectives 

Patrick Hughes & Paul Critchley at The Drumcroon Gallery, Wigan 

cover of the exhibition catalogue  'Respective Perspectives'

Exhibition, 17th January - 8th April 2011


45 pages

Text in English

Paperback 15 x 21 cm

Published January 2011            

ISBN 978-0-9524537-1-0  

Price €7.50 (+ p & p)

Front cover of Monograph published by SAMMER Gallery


88 pages

Text in English and Spanish


24 x 27 cm

Colour reproductions of 99 paintings

Published by SAMMER, Madrid 

Published February 1996            

ISBN 84-922010-0-2

Price €20 (+ p & p)

9 Colour lithograph, printed on Gravar Art, 'Moli Cube' 250g paper. Produced by Art Litho, s.l. Studios, Barcelona Limited Edition of 110

La Casa Blanca

9 colour lithograph

Limited Edition of 110

80 x 64 cm.

Printed on 250 g Gravar Art, 'Moli Cube' paper

Published with  Art Litho, s.l. Studios, Barcelona

was €150 – now reduced to €120 (+ p & p) (unframed)