Atravesar la pared

Group exhibition

Castella Gallery, Barcelona in collaboration with Galería Nueva

Calle Dr Fourquet 10, 28012  Madrid (E)

17th May - 10 June 2023

Exhibition flyer
Gallery view
Gallery view
Gallery view with triptych painting Rockpool by Paul Critchley
Gallery view with triptych painting 'Angsti-ous Moment' and 'Crossed Lines' by Paul Critchley
Gallery view with triptych painting The Never Ending Waves Mark The Passage Of Time by Paul Critchley

During this exhibition a section of an episode of Spanish National TV’s Para Todos La2  about an organization, ‘Los Concometentes’ that mediates in the creation of different forms of art for communities. My painting The Never Ending Waves Mark The Passage Of Time was the backdrop for a couple of minutes of the 30 min. programme, from 2.20 - 2.38  : 

Still from an episode filmed with the painting The Never Ending Waves Mark The Passage Of Time

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